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Here is the list of tools we commonly use in pentesting wireless networks or just wardriving for fun and no profit. All these tools are covered in the book in sufficient details. Some of them may become obsolete at the time the book hits the shelf and so are not possible to find anywhere anymore, so they are located on our site. The reason for it is the dialectic approach we endorse: to understand things as they are now, you are ought to know where did they come from and how did they develop. Besides, you may find the snippets of code from these tools to be useful for your own projects.
As to the code, everything on our list is Open Source and is distributed under GPL, BSD or similar licenses. Close Source tools are not included on purpose, even though they may be mentioned in the book where appropriate. This work is not commercial, does not favour particular vendors, and has only became possible due to the work and collaboration within the Open Source community. We are profoundly grateful to the authors of the listed tools for the feats of wonder they performed to make "theoretical" wireless security practical.