Residual Stress Measurement and the Slitting Method (Mechanical Engineering Series)
By Weili Cheng, Iain Finnie,
Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 212
Publication Date: 2006-12-04
Sales Rank: 2287320
ISBN / ASIN: 038737065X
EAN: 9780387370651
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Springer
Studio: Springer
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Book Description:
Residual Stress Measurement and the Slitting Method provides complete coverage of the slitting method with new results in analysis, computation and estimation. It discusses different roles of residual stresses from the fracture mechanics perspective. Covering both near-surface and through-thickness residual stress measurements, the book serves as a reference tool for graduate students, researchers and practicing engineers. The authors include discussions on the general expressions for residual stresses acting on the site of a slit, the analysis based on fracture mechanics solutions and finite element computations, the estimations using continuous and piecewise functions with and without least squares fit, examples of residual stress measurement and error analysis, the measurement of stress intensity factors, and many more timely topics.
With more than 130 figures, Residual Stress Measurement and the Slitting Method provides detailed formulations and examples of compliance functions, weighted least squares fit and convergence test in stress estimation, and computer programs to facilitate the implementation of the slitting method. This book is an invaluable reference for professionals and researchers in the field.
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