The Hackers Underground Handbook
Learn What it Takes to Crack Even the Most Secure Systems
Publisher: None | 2009 | ISBN None| PDF | 116 pages | 2.6 MB
Why this and not any other intro/tutorial found on the web, you may ask. Although the internet is the biggest resource, finding useful information (in this domain) may prove quite hard, especialy if you aren’t ‘initiated’ yet in hacking. (no there’s no initiation ritual) And if you don’t know exactly what you are looking for you may come across: boring, idiotic (this is just a joke, by the way) and outdated material.
The Hacker’s Underground Handbook will guide you through password hacking, windows hacking, malware, phising, web hacking, network hacking and Linux (intro, installation, etc). All this material fully packed with images, thus being a top step-by-step guide, on the course of which you cannot fail.
A great starting book which will guide you in the right direction, helping you understand the basic concepts of computer security and matters that you should take in consideration.
A. Introduction..............................................................................................
1. How can I use this eBook?
2. What is a hacker
3. Hacker Hierarchy
4. What does it take to become a hacker?
5. Disclaimer
B. Programming............................................................................................
1. Do I really need it?
2. Where should I start?
3. Best way to learn
C. Linux.......................................................................................................
1. What is it?
2. Choosing a distribution
3. Running Linux
4. Learning Linux
D. Passwords...............................................................................................
1. Password Cracking
2. Phishing
3. Countermeasures
4. More Programs
E. Network Hacking.....................................................................................
1. Foot printing
2. Port Scanning
3. Banner Grabbing
4. Searching for Vulnerabilities
5. Penetrating
6. Countermeasures
F. Wireless Hacking.....................................................................................
1. Scanning for Wireless Networks
2. Cracking WEP
3. Packet Sniffing
4. Countermeasures
G. Windows Hacking...................................................................................
1. NetBIOS
2. Cracking Windows Passwords
3. Countermeasures
H. Malware.................................................................................................
1. Definitions
2. ProRat
3. Countermeasures
I. Web Hacking.........................................................................................
1. Cross Site Scripting
2. Remote File Inclusion
3. Local File Inclusion
J. Conclusion............................................................................................
1. Congratulations
2. Keep Learning
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