DNS rebinding attacks subvert the same-origin policy of browsers and convert them into open network proxies. We survey new DNS rebinding attacks that exploit the interaction between browsers and their plug-ins, such as Flash Player and Java. These attacks can be used to circumvent firewalls and are highly cost-effective for sending spam email and defrauding pay-per-click advertisers, requiring less than $100 to temporarily hijack 100,000 IP ddresses. We show that the classic defense against these attacks, called “DNS pinning,” is ineffective in modern browsers. The primary focus of this work, however, is the design of strong defenses against DNS rebinding attacks that protect modern browsers: we suggest easy-to-deploy patches for plug-ins that prevent large-scale exploitation, provide a defense tool,
dnswall, that prevents firewall circumvention, and detail two defense options, policy-based pinning and host name authorization.

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