Nmap is arguably the most popular security software in the world, with thousands of downloads every day. It’s used in the biggest corporate networks in the world, governments use Nmap to protect their systems, and it’s even seen in the Hollywood blockbuster “The Matrix Reloaded.” Best of all, Nmap is free software that’s well supported through an active open source community of developers.

Nmap didn’t become this popular because of clever onscreen product placements. It’s used so prominently because it’s a powerful piece of security software that can tell you more about your systems than most people realize.

Nmap can automatically detect nearly invisible nuances in network communications to determine open ports, operating systems, and even the version numbers of your critical services - all without ever logging in or authenticating to the remote device! Nmap’s scanning methods allow for reconnaissance of devices through firewalls, around gateways, or even through encrypted tunnels.
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