CEBAS FINAL DOF v1.5 for 3DSMAX 2009
finalDOF™ is cebas' next generation effects tool for 3ds max.
finalDOF is an all purpose Depth Of Field (DOF)
& Motion Blur render effect for 3ds max.
finalDOF is the first plug-in ever to break the borders
of the newly introduced layered G-Buffer channels of 3ds max
versions 6 through 2008! With its full support of unlimited G-Buffer channels,
finalDOF outperforms any standard 3ds max Render Effect.
High quality Anti Aliasing Reconstruction after applying a render
effect is only possible with the use of all sub pixel information
available from the renderer.
Every 3ds max conform renderer with full support of layered G-Buffer channels
can benefit of the immense render power of finalDOF. Until now,
a true Depth of Field rendering took several minutes to render
with a raytracer like finalRender or mental ray and maybe it took days
to render such effects with other renderers. finalDOF on the other hand renders
in near REALTIME and allows interactive rendering of DOF and motion blur effects right
from within 3ds max.
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