




[quote] Ice Pack Platinum Edition

IcePack works with PHP and MySQL. You need PHP version 4.3 or higher and MySQL 4.0 or higher. Safe mode PHP should be disabled.
License Agreement

Buying IcePack, you agree with the following license agreement terms:

* IcePack is created exclusively for testing your own software. The author is not responsible for your actions.
* Is forbidden the resale and use of source code IcePack for commercial purposes. Otherwise, you will be denied a license.


1. Edit your db.php according to your data.
2. Get all the files on your server in binary mode.
3. Download this file (http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoi...e/GeoIP.dat.gz)to your computer. Extract from the downloaded archive the file GeoIP.dat. Upload GeoIP.dat to your server.
4. Set permissions 777 to load folder, admin/tmp folder and the file config.php.
5. Run the installation script install.php and follow the instructions.

Note: After installing the necessarily enter the URL in your system!