This is the link of the computer security training center.
I found this website because I bought one of their book.
It teach me many thing. Finally, it bring me to this website. If any of u guy looking for a good trainning center. I suggest to consider this one (ofcourse me too).
And here is some topic u will learn there.
Some of the hacking concepts you will learn to master during this hands on hacking course...

Security testing methodologies including the OSSTMM
Stealthy network recon
Multi-OS banner grabbing
Remote root vulnerability exploitation
Privilege escalation hacking
Unauthorized data extraction
Remote access trojan hacking
Offensive sniffing
Wireless insecurity
Breaking IP-based ACLs via spoofing
Evidence removal and anti-forensics
Attacking network infrastructure devices
Hacking by brute forcing remotely
Hacking Web Applications
Breaking into databases with SQL Injection
Cross Site Scripting hacking
Justifying a penetration test to management and customers
CEH review
Defensive techniques

Hope it would cause any profit to u.