Aimed squarely at aspiring Linux power users and professional administrators, the Ubuntu Linux Toolbox offers more than 1000 examples of useful Linux command lines.
This compact, handy reference is made to carry with you, whether you are maintaining hundreds of Linux systems or just want to dig beneath the surface of your Ubuntu desktop system.
This is the Linux reference book you need to step up to the next level.
* Using the shell
* Finding online software
* Working with files
* Playing with music and images
* Administering file systems
* Backing up data
* Checking and managing running processes
* Accessing network resources
* Handling remote system administration
* Locking down security
# Paperback: 332 pages
# Publisher: Wiley (November 28, 2007)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0470082933
# ISBN-13: 978-0470082935
# Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 0.9 inches
# Shipping Weight: 14.9 ounces
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