Known Issues

1. Detects registry entries pertaining to McAfee Entercept Products.
2. Detects hooked kernel services by mfehidk.sys file pertaining to McAfee Antispyware Enterprise (Standalone).
3. Detects IAT/EAT hooks in Windows 2000 SP4 system pointing to shim.dll.
4. Detects vsdatant.sys from Zone Alarm as hooked service for rootkit like behavior.
5. Detects Goback2k.sys as hooked service on system having Go Back software installed system for rootkit like behavior.
6. Detects fsndis5.sys as hooked service from F-Secure if F-Secure Internet Security Suite 2006 is installed on the system
7. Detects klif.sys as hooked service from Kaspersky if Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 is installed on the system.
8. Detects FireTDS.sys as hooked service from McAfee if McAfee Desktop Firewall is installed on the system.
9. Detects Hidsys.sys as hooked service from McAfee if McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention is installed on the system.
10. Detects Service Name ZwCreateThread when VSE product is installed on the system.
11. This tool will not run on Windows 2000 platforms when Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 is installed.
12. This tool will detect many IAT/EAT hooks and SSDT hooks of legitimate applications.

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