แสดงการทำงานของกลไกต่างๆในแม่กุญแจ แบบ 3 มิติเคลื่อนไหว เข้าใจง่ายแม้นไม่เก่งภาษา

This is the definitive guide for learning the art of lock picking. Inside you will discover the secrets of the trade. By reading this

video, practicing, and applying the methods introduced, you can successfully become a master at picking all the common locks

of today. This video makes it easy and gives you the edge to quickly learn what it takes others years to gather. This video is a

valuable addition to any collection and will open doors for you.

Quickly learn the secrets of the trade from this viedo's concise, yet informative style. By practicing and applying the methods

introduced here, it is possible to master lock picking most modern locks, The visual Guide to Lock Picking introduces warded

locks, pin tumbler locks, wafer locks, master locks, even some high security pins. It dissects the locks, showing every moving

part, making it easy to see how they work, Step-by-step intructions are given for picking each type of lock. You will be lead

through the entire process, introducing the necessary tools and covering several techniques that will lead you to that satisfing

click as the lock springs open.

This video is a 3D Animation video which covers lockpicking... The DVD, "Lockpicking for the New Millennium" has real live

video footage as apposed to 3D Animation. We recommend "Lockpicking for the New Millennium" is you prefer live footage.

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