Proxy Switcher is a little helper tool for switching between different proxy settings.

If you are at many locations, e.g. at work, home, hotel, etc. you may be tired of setting (and rember) proxy settings for the different locations.

So, Proxy Switcher will assist you in remeber and easily switch between proxy settings. The major feature which is different from many other tools is, that Proxy Switcher can switch settings automatically depending on network connections.

To make this work, define a new proxy configuration and set a condition for activating it. Possible conditions (in this version) are depending on the DNS suffix (e.g. or on the gateway IP address. If you now connect you notebook to a network, the settings will activated automatically.

Another point is, that the application is Plugin-based. So if you have an application which cannot use the Internet Explorer settings write your own plugin for Proxy Switcher. More on this in one of my next posts.

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