Lee Brotzman is a senior systems programmer for Allied Technology Group, Inc., where he provides contract support in computer security for NASA, NOAA, the Department of Justice, and the FBI. He worked at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center from 1983 to 1995, concentrating in research and development of networked scientific data analysis and distribution systems. During this time, he taught courses in UNIX programming, UNIX Security for Systems Administrators and UNIX Security Toolkits at NASA field centers around the country, a task he continued after leaving NASA to work as aa private consultant in the field of LINUX-based information systems development. Rehired by Allied to support NASIRC and DoJCERT, he currently specializes in assessing exploits and vulnerabilities in UNIX operating systems and analyzing "hacker" tools.
Product Details
* Paperback: 120 pages
* Publisher: SANS Institute (July 30, 1999)
* ISBN-10: 0967299209
* ISBN-13: 978-0967299204
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