Smart Moderator Makes Hacker Hack Himself

By: Alexandru Dumitru, Security News Editor

Now here’s a funny piece of news – a hacker deleted his own hard drive in his attempt at attacking a server. The wannabe malicious user had a row with the cannel’s administrator and started threatening the guy. It all happened on #stopHipHop’s RC channel.

Apparently, the so-called hacker thought he had been thrown out of the channel, that’s when he decided to start his own (stupid) vendetta against the moderator. So, how do you think he started the whole thing? Did he start scanning ports, looking for IPs, vulnerabilities and stuff like that? No way! The self-proclaimed genius demanded that the moderator cough up his IP address and prepare to get hacked, as the Inquirer informs.

Boy, was that a smart tactic! "Give me your IP, so that I can hack you!" – surely you’ve heard more persuasive methods. In any case, the moderator threw some numbers at the hacker, and here comes the really stupid part. The "hacker" kept quiet for a while – it is presumed that he was working to hack the moderator’s machine.

As the same source informs, after gaining access to the "victims" machine he started the deletion process, and he even bragged that he’s taken down the E: partition and that D: is 45% down. After that, he just disappeared – the moderator had given him his own address. So, the uber-hacker actually hacked himself. I’m no hacker, still, I know my IP by heart! Now, I don’t know what this guy had been thinking when he hacked himself, but my congratulations go to the moderator.

As for the hacker, all the info about him is the fact that he was 26 years old and that he was from Germany. Like I’ve said before, one of the most important prerequisites in hacking is having brains, and one thing’s for sure: this guy didn’t.

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