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SonyEricsson K700, T300, T610, T630, T68, K500, S700, K750, D750, V800, Z600, W800

Available languages: German, English, Slowakisch, Czech, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Netherlands

MyPhoneExplorer - with this program you can administer its Sony-Ericsson mobile phone simply
MyPhoneExplorer is a free and useful program with the help of which you can administer its Sony-Ericsson mobile phone simply.
Connect your phone via cable, bluetooth or infrared and you'll be surprised how easy and efficient you can manage your phone with this compact software.
Here are some key features of "MyPhoneExplorer":
• Adressbook - with direct sync to Outlook, Outlook Express and Thunderbird
• Organizer with calendarview and direct sync to Outlook, Sunbird, Thunderbird, Rainlendar and net shared calendars (WebDAV, FTP)
• SMS - archive, export, import, excessive messages,...
• Filebrowser with cachesystem to minimize datatransfer...
• Set phoneclock based on atomtime
• Handle your calls via PC

What's New in This Release:
• Full Drag&Drop-Support between MyPhoneExplorer and Windows Explorer
• Better management of readonly-calendars
• Auto-archive messages which were deleted on the phone (optional)
• On Photo-Sync: delete transfered photos automatical (optional)