BlackBat Virus - Non Destructive
Language - x86 Assembly
Operating Systems - Windows 95/98
Type - Memory Resident
Files Infected - Win32 Portable Executable Files (PE .EXE)
Characteristics - Polymorphic, Encrypting
Advanced features include Anti-Debugging Code and use of Structured Exception Handling. The virus will not infect computers that have WIN.SYS located in the root directory. The file time and date restored after infection. The virus will not infect Anti-Virus programs like Norton Anti-Virus, TBAV, McAfee, F-Prot and a few others.
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Shadow Virus - Non Destructive
Language - x86 Assembly
Operating Systems - MS-DOS, Windows 95/98
Type - Memory Resident
Files Infected - DOS COM Files (.COM)
Characteristics - Virus Residency Check
The virus uses MCB chaining to hide itself in memory and cannot be viewed by the MEM command
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