Stability of Structures: Elastic, Inelastic, Fracture, and Damage Theories
By Zdenek P. Bazant, Luigi Cedolin,
Publisher: Dover Publications
Number Of Pages: 1056
Publication Date: 2003-02-14
Sales Rank: 610440
ISBN / ASIN: 0486425681
EAN: 9780486425689
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Dover Publications
Studio: Dover Publications
Average Rating: 5
Total Reviews: 1
Book Description:
Exploration of principles and applications of stability analysis emphasizes nonelastic stability. Topics include modern stability problems of fracture and damage, thermodynamic principles of stability in irreversible systems, viscoelastic and viscoplastic buckling, other key areas. Numerous examples; 700 exercise problems. 1991 edition.
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