วันที่ 23
-asylu3: "Hacking Risk Awareness"
-Gen0TypE: "Popular hacker trick: Client side hacking with case study"
-Maxma: Exploit and Security in iPhone
-Akira: Malware and Antivirus 2009-2010
วันที่ 24
- 12:00 = LuC!F3R: "Ninjitsu Attack: Hack for Fun and Profit"
- 12:30 = Tonhor: Hacking Imeem ContentKey (Showcase)+- Tummy: Anti crack coding II
- 14:00- 15:00 = Edkung: Anti crack coding I
- 15:00 - 16:00 BZ3R0:Hacking Server by Nmap
- 16:30 - 17:00 = BZ3R0: Protect WordPress from Hacker[/b]