+ UNIX : A Hacking Tutorial +
+ By: Sir Hackalot +
o Intent of this file:
This phile is geared as an UNIX tutorial at first, to let you get more
familiar with the operating system. UNIX is just an operating system, as
is MS-DOS, AppleDOS, AmigaDOS, and others. UNIX happens to be a multi-user-
multi-tasking system, thus bringing a need for security not found on MSDOS,
AppleDOS, etc. This phile will hopefully teach the beginners who do not have
a clue about how to use UNIX a good start, and may hopefully teach old pros
something they didn't know before. This file deals with UNIX SYSTEM V and
its variants. When I talk about unix, its usually about SYSTEM V (rel 3.2).
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What happens is that you make a copy of the .profile before you change it.
Then, you change the original. When he runs it, the steps are made, then
the original version is placed over the current, so if the idiot looks in
his .pr